Kayak instruction

Kayak instruction
Our beginner training programme starts with an intensive phase in May and June, followed by a more flexible phase from July to September.
At KVIK we have many international members and most kajak instruction can be in English.
If you are interested in learning kayaking i KVIK, you can sign up in our list of interested here LINK, and we will invite you for our introductory evening when the date is set.
for questions regarding our instruction program contact kajak@roforeningen.dk 
The kayak training programme has the following mandatory elements:
Introductory evening in April 
End of April, Season Preparation Day, when we wash, polish and repair club kayaks so they are ready for the new season. It’s a day to meet other members and discuss the up-coming season.
End of May, : Introduction to KVIK, kayaks, paddle technique and balance. We will practise partner rescue (“makkerredning”), so you can help each other to get back into the kayak when you fall out. 
Maj - June: 9 instruction evenings. We require beginners to participate in at least 7 of the 9 training sessions. During these evenings, we will practise paddle technique, balance, partner rescue and safety exercises. We start with short trips along the coast, building up to longer ones of a couple of hours.
End of June, This is a day to take a longer trip up the coast, together with some of the club’s more experienced paddlers. We finish the trip back at KVIK with a barbecue and celebration, as you will now have completed the basic training (“frigivne”).
July – September,(Monday, Thursday or Friday): During this period we continue to focus on improving technique, balance and safety exercises. You will also have the opportunity to join weekend trips and kayak races, and a number ofsocial events, including the “beginner baptism” (“kanindåb”) and party. This is when all the new rowers and kayakers are “baptised”, and it’s a tradition that the beginners organise this party. 
Mid September, Today you can get both IPP2 and your kayak rights (“kajakret”) providing you can demonstrate that you have sufficient paddle technique, balance and safety skills. IPP (iPaddlePass) is a European certification of basic standards for kayakers. After the test, we will celebrate your success with bubbles and a barbecue. 
Our instruction programme is intensive, but it is important to get on to the water frequently so that you get used to being in kayaks and learning your balance. It may be a bit tough at the beginning for some participants, but by the end of the season, you will all be able to look back with pride at your development. Most of our experienced members have learned how to kayak at KVIK, following a similar programme.